Yard Sale!
We are having our yard sale this week. We were unable to have it last month due to a back injury. We are excited to stop paying rents on all these storage units.
Location- 2605 Ballentine Blvd in Norfolk
July 2nd , 3rd , and 4th
Please come out and help us if you can! We are emptying 5- 20ft by 30ft storage units that are bulging at the seams.
We have an amazing amount of stuff!
Ann Skinner Home
We are getting closer to our goal. We still need help in reaching this goal.
We have been very blessed to receive a generous donation from an amazing world renown minister. It is helping us to see the light at the end of the tunnel on the women’s and children’s home. We are getting so close. We truly believe it is in reach. If we can just keep pushing, This will become a reality by the end of this year. If it is in your heart, please pray about how you can support this one of a kind, much needed ministry. I know each of us knows someone in a struggle right now. If we work together, we can be such a help.
Prayer Points
We are sharing our issues with you so we can conquer them together in prayer
Mailing Info
We are always trying to improve so please be patient as we try different layouts and formats for the New Year.
We will be continuing to send the return envelopes with our ministry address on them. We will not include the donation slip though. You can simply write in the memo of your check if you would like it to be designated to a certain fund, otherwise, it will go into the general fund. The options will be listed below.
This pandemic is not the end!
We all know we are living in very different times than we are used to. We all also know our Bible talks about these times in Matthew 24. This is only the beginning of the sorrows. We as Christians need to be the light like in Matthew 5:16. If people don’t see us shining the answers, they may try to get their answers from the world, or the media. The media is widening the divide. We cannot take part in that. We are the only ones with the answer. Now more than ever the world needs Jesus. They are not going to find him in a protest, or on the news.
The world needs what we have
It is so easy for people to be offended by everything right now. The enemy is very busy. We must be willing to stand up and say “Not today Devil.” We cannot stop to be offended. The world needs love and encouragement right now. The world does not need more people sharing negative opinions. According to LifeWay, 250 Pastors leave the Ministry every month. We have felt discouragement. Ministry is already difficult even when nobody is sending emails with their offense list or negative opinions. Can we, as the body of Christ, make a decision that we will be the encouragers. I mean, why would anyone want what we have if we are always complaining. Ministers are already dealing with the problems of the entire congregation. For us, we deal with our own family issues, the issues of all the men in our program, the difficulties of our friends and people turning their backs. That is all before any complaints come in. We encourage you to pray for your Pastors and lift them up. They are also in unusual times. We have never seen any time like we are experiencing now. People have fear. People are not attending church. People are questioning everything. By no means are we saying every person should be sitting in a pew next week. God gives you wisdom. If you are high risk, by all means, take care of your health. Nobody seems to have all the answers we need to make a wise decision about what is safe and what is not. We are praying for protection and good health over everyone connected to this ministry. We are praying this time will pass. The reality is, that there will probably be worse times than this. We know every word of the Bible is true. But this is not the time to stand down. This is the time that we as Christians need to rise up and show the love of Christ in this dark time. Now is a time better than ever for Christian leaders to come to the forefront and offer peace and love to the people who do not have Jesus. Can you imagine all of the uneasy feelings you have felt during this time? Now imagine if you did not have Christ to bring peace to your hearts. We truly have what they need. The people are wrestling against all kinds of demonic influence. We need to cover all of this in prayer and be the light. Don’t be drawn into the world’s chaos, but draw them into your calm.
We are having our yard sale this week. We were unable to have it last month due to a back injury. We are excited to stop paying rents on all these storage units.
Location- 2605 Ballentine Blvd in Norfolk
July 2nd , 3rd , and 4th
Please come out and help us if you can! We are emptying 5- 20ft by 30ft storage units that are bulging at the seams.
We have an amazing amount of stuff!
Ann Skinner Home
We are getting closer to our goal. We still need help in reaching this goal.
We have been very blessed to receive a generous donation from an amazing world renown minister. It is helping us to see the light at the end of the tunnel on the women’s and children’s home. We are getting so close. We truly believe it is in reach. If we can just keep pushing, This will become a reality by the end of this year. If it is in your heart, please pray about how you can support this one of a kind, much needed ministry. I know each of us knows someone in a struggle right now. If we work together, we can be such a help.
Prayer Points
We are sharing our issues with you so we can conquer them together in prayer
- Please pray that Christians will not be absent out in the public arena
- Pray for people to grow deeper in their faith like never before
- Pray for peace in the hearts of people
- Pray for the full armor of God over everyone
- Pray for all division to be cast down
- Pray for unity in the body
- Pray for revival across this nation
- Pray for us to complete the mission of having the women’s and children’s home by the end of 2020
- Pray for wisdom in making decisions
- Pray for favor over the finances of Outreach as we are really pressing forward to reach the goal of having the Ann Skinner Home for Women and Children
Mailing Info
We are always trying to improve so please be patient as we try different layouts and formats for the New Year.
We will be continuing to send the return envelopes with our ministry address on them. We will not include the donation slip though. You can simply write in the memo of your check if you would like it to be designated to a certain fund, otherwise, it will go into the general fund. The options will be listed below.
- Anne Skinner Ministry House
- Mission Malawi
- Food Pantry and Meal Baskets
- Nursing Home Gifts
- Evangelism
- Homeless Ministry
- Building Projects and Maintenance
This pandemic is not the end!
We all know we are living in very different times than we are used to. We all also know our Bible talks about these times in Matthew 24. This is only the beginning of the sorrows. We as Christians need to be the light like in Matthew 5:16. If people don’t see us shining the answers, they may try to get their answers from the world, or the media. The media is widening the divide. We cannot take part in that. We are the only ones with the answer. Now more than ever the world needs Jesus. They are not going to find him in a protest, or on the news.
The world needs what we have
It is so easy for people to be offended by everything right now. The enemy is very busy. We must be willing to stand up and say “Not today Devil.” We cannot stop to be offended. The world needs love and encouragement right now. The world does not need more people sharing negative opinions. According to LifeWay, 250 Pastors leave the Ministry every month. We have felt discouragement. Ministry is already difficult even when nobody is sending emails with their offense list or negative opinions. Can we, as the body of Christ, make a decision that we will be the encouragers. I mean, why would anyone want what we have if we are always complaining. Ministers are already dealing with the problems of the entire congregation. For us, we deal with our own family issues, the issues of all the men in our program, the difficulties of our friends and people turning their backs. That is all before any complaints come in. We encourage you to pray for your Pastors and lift them up. They are also in unusual times. We have never seen any time like we are experiencing now. People have fear. People are not attending church. People are questioning everything. By no means are we saying every person should be sitting in a pew next week. God gives you wisdom. If you are high risk, by all means, take care of your health. Nobody seems to have all the answers we need to make a wise decision about what is safe and what is not. We are praying for protection and good health over everyone connected to this ministry. We are praying this time will pass. The reality is, that there will probably be worse times than this. We know every word of the Bible is true. But this is not the time to stand down. This is the time that we as Christians need to rise up and show the love of Christ in this dark time. Now is a time better than ever for Christian leaders to come to the forefront and offer peace and love to the people who do not have Jesus. Can you imagine all of the uneasy feelings you have felt during this time? Now imagine if you did not have Christ to bring peace to your hearts. We truly have what they need. The people are wrestling against all kinds of demonic influence. We need to cover all of this in prayer and be the light. Don’t be drawn into the world’s chaos, but draw them into your calm.