Current Events:
Bible Study
· We are enjoying our Thursday Evening Bible Study! People start gathering at Outreach at 6pm. We always enjoy food, fellowship and an open study and discussion of the Word. It is truly a time of iron sharpening iron. Feel free to join us. We do it pot-luck style, so if you want to bring a dish, you can.
· There is now a men’s Bible Study on Tuesday nights at 8pm at the Discipleship House. It is located at 2605 Ballentine Boulevard in Norfolk.
Discipleship House Open
· We have been blessed to open our first Discipleship House. We currently have 3 men working towards amazing goals. We are seeing awesome progress.
· We would like to invite everyone to celebrate our House Blessing/ Open House on Sunday, May 21 at 2:30 pm. We will allow tours of the house and provide plenty of food and refreshments.
Yard Sale
· We are having a huge yard sale fundraiser. It will be at the new Discipleship house on Friday May 5 and Saturday May 6 from 9am to 2pm. Please come out and find some treasures. We have more than 2 warehouses we are trying to empty. All proceeds will go towards future ministry needs for the men in the discipleship program as well as some needed renovations to the house to better serve the needs of the community.
Men at Work
· John is currently working with some of the men out in the community. The men are learning new trades as well as mastering skills they already have. They are happy to be hired out for small construction projects. They have great attention to detail. They are excellent with lawn care, pressure washing, drywall repairs, painting, furniture moving and much more. Please call Outreach to schedule. They are supervised 100 percent of the time by our CEO, John Savola. I assure you, you will be blessed by the Outreach Team.
Current Needs
We currently need another weed eater and blower for the lawn care. We also always need items such as toilet paper, paper towels, tooth paste, deodorants, over the counter medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Bandages. We also use a lot of dish detergent and laundry detergent., shampoos, body washes, soaps and snack items.
Bible Study
· We are enjoying our Thursday Evening Bible Study! People start gathering at Outreach at 6pm. We always enjoy food, fellowship and an open study and discussion of the Word. It is truly a time of iron sharpening iron. Feel free to join us. We do it pot-luck style, so if you want to bring a dish, you can.
· There is now a men’s Bible Study on Tuesday nights at 8pm at the Discipleship House. It is located at 2605 Ballentine Boulevard in Norfolk.
Discipleship House Open
· We have been blessed to open our first Discipleship House. We currently have 3 men working towards amazing goals. We are seeing awesome progress.
· We would like to invite everyone to celebrate our House Blessing/ Open House on Sunday, May 21 at 2:30 pm. We will allow tours of the house and provide plenty of food and refreshments.
Yard Sale
· We are having a huge yard sale fundraiser. It will be at the new Discipleship house on Friday May 5 and Saturday May 6 from 9am to 2pm. Please come out and find some treasures. We have more than 2 warehouses we are trying to empty. All proceeds will go towards future ministry needs for the men in the discipleship program as well as some needed renovations to the house to better serve the needs of the community.
Men at Work
· John is currently working with some of the men out in the community. The men are learning new trades as well as mastering skills they already have. They are happy to be hired out for small construction projects. They have great attention to detail. They are excellent with lawn care, pressure washing, drywall repairs, painting, furniture moving and much more. Please call Outreach to schedule. They are supervised 100 percent of the time by our CEO, John Savola. I assure you, you will be blessed by the Outreach Team.
Current Needs
We currently need another weed eater and blower for the lawn care. We also always need items such as toilet paper, paper towels, tooth paste, deodorants, over the counter medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Bandages. We also use a lot of dish detergent and laundry detergent., shampoos, body washes, soaps and snack items.