Recently, we were forced to shut down ministries when it was discovered that it was not a ministry winning people to Jesus Christ. This is difficult because most all ministries, in some way or other, win people to Christ. After all, isn't that in God's hands?
Our Godly board of directors are praying and working on what we can do. We have $60,000 in debt. As a last resort for meeting this debt, we are taking Outreach for Christ back 20 years by putting the whole ministry in our house at the beach where we started out. Doing this means we will have to build a storage shed or garage and gravel the parking down the side. Still, this will limit our resources in taking in inmates when they are released from prison.
The most affected area of ministry in the storage of household goods. Even though other organizations are offering to help pay the storage areas, we will have to stop helping inmates and their families get established after their release from jail or prison. We do not know of other organizations that will provide transition assistance for free.
The other program is the Christmas Toy Ministry. Angel tree is the only ministry that does it but only for prisons. Outreach for Christ provides toys for those in jail and those in need. This important ministry impacts the relationship between a parent and child and even though toys can be gotten from other sources, we've learned that the generosity shown and love for the Lord has led many inmates to accept Christ. It's all because we cared for their children and lent a helping hand. If we build a garage or storage shed in the back of the beach property we can still keep some portion of the toy ministry.
Obviously, the Street Ministry will not be affected. Nor will the Prayer Ministry. Both are unique and can be done out of the beach house property. God knows our situation and we are waiting to join Him.
What we urgently need is monetary donations to pay off the $60,000 debt. If money comes in then we will work out whatever we have to do to keep the bills paid. We also have a secondary problem of manpower. It's coming time when the ministry head must look to another to take the helm. Other volunteer positions need to be filled by committed faithful servants of God. If you can be of any help in any area, we certainly want to hear from you as soon as possible. Please email or call me.
Our Godly board of directors are praying and working on what we can do. We have $60,000 in debt. As a last resort for meeting this debt, we are taking Outreach for Christ back 20 years by putting the whole ministry in our house at the beach where we started out. Doing this means we will have to build a storage shed or garage and gravel the parking down the side. Still, this will limit our resources in taking in inmates when they are released from prison.
The most affected area of ministry in the storage of household goods. Even though other organizations are offering to help pay the storage areas, we will have to stop helping inmates and their families get established after their release from jail or prison. We do not know of other organizations that will provide transition assistance for free.
The other program is the Christmas Toy Ministry. Angel tree is the only ministry that does it but only for prisons. Outreach for Christ provides toys for those in jail and those in need. This important ministry impacts the relationship between a parent and child and even though toys can be gotten from other sources, we've learned that the generosity shown and love for the Lord has led many inmates to accept Christ. It's all because we cared for their children and lent a helping hand. If we build a garage or storage shed in the back of the beach property we can still keep some portion of the toy ministry.
Obviously, the Street Ministry will not be affected. Nor will the Prayer Ministry. Both are unique and can be done out of the beach house property. God knows our situation and we are waiting to join Him.
What we urgently need is monetary donations to pay off the $60,000 debt. If money comes in then we will work out whatever we have to do to keep the bills paid. We also have a secondary problem of manpower. It's coming time when the ministry head must look to another to take the helm. Other volunteer positions need to be filled by committed faithful servants of God. If you can be of any help in any area, we certainly want to hear from you as soon as possible. Please email or call me.